"Movie Reviews on Classic and Notable Modern Films. An outlet for discussions centered around the Progression of the Modern Filmmaker, The Progression of the Arts, and Organizations Empowering and Educating the next generation."
~ Purple Reels ~
Purple Tramble also known as "Purple Reels The Go Getter" is an Independent Filmmaker an alumni of Howard University where she studied Communications - [TV/Film Production]. Tramble is passionate about working with small businesses, bands, artists etc. by giving them a tool to market themselves through video promotion. She is also passionate about the progression of the modern filmmaker by providing them with new ideas to keep them ahead of the game. Tramble is an Activist and Advocate of Educating and Empowering the next generation by providing them with positive images that destroy racial stereotypes and sexist or demeaning behavior in regards to young women. Her mission is to provide hope to the hopeless, a voice to the voiceless, and support others on a mission to bring peace, spread love, and make a positive change.
"Protect and effect the minds of the youth and save a nation." ~ Purple Reels ~
It was my plan to see the movie the day that it came out to help with making it to the number one spot however I ended up seeing it this past Friday, May 1st. Everyone had their own opinions about Beyonce this and Beyonce that but I went in with a different outlook. I found myself immersed in the content and subject matter of the movie because it flowed so well. Usually I will find that if the script is horrible I am usually so distracted that I end up focusing on different shots and why they used this source of light instead of another. I felt that the script was great and because of that it allowed me to focus on the actual story like a regular movie goer. For me going to see one movie can mean seeing it three different times and from three different perspectives if it's a good movie. I will watch first for my own pleasure and then I'll actually study the editing techniques used and find myself wondering why the director, editor etc chose to go that route. The second time just gets my creative juices flowing and gives me insight as to how I can use those techniques to create my own. The third time I will listen for the music score and lighting that give cues to what is about to take place. Another word for that is suspense. If the music is done correctly I should be able to predict what is going to happen next. In Obsessed I didn't even have to go back to see the movie again because it was in sync the whole way. I am overly critical when it comes to films and that is why I have given "Obsessed" five stars. Idris Elba takes his character and makes it his own and the scene that illustrates this the most for me is when Sharon (Beyonce Knowles) finds out about Lisa (Ali Larter). He takes on the character so much so that you find yourself losing yourself in the movie. I looked up a couple of times and people's mouths were open and I laughed because mine was too! I was very surprised at Beyonce's role as Sharon because she really got to prove herself as an actress in this movie. Other movies always made her seem like Beyonce and not the actual character but in "Obsessed" she is Sharon! I will always remember this line "You think you're crazy... I'm gonna show you crazy..." oh and let's not forget "You touched my child?" I remember an interview Beyonce did with Entertainment Tonight when she talked about Sasha Fierce her alter-ego... I believe that she showed up in this movie. I felt the rage and anger that Sharon felt but I also felt equally the dismay that Derek felt when he got caught up in the situation that he did. I am not one to ruin movies for people who have yet to see them but I'm sure everyone has heard about the "Cat Fight" scene in the movie. All I can say is hold on to your seats! Walter Murch talks about seamless editing in his book "In the Blink of an Eye" and that sums up the movie "Obsessed." It is not a surprise that it has reached the mark of #1 movie in America because it deserves that and much more. When I heard that Beyonce and her father had a hand in directing the movie I was equally elated if not even more ecstatic for their success! For it is one thing to be as successful as Beyonce and her family have become in the music business but to reach a mark this great in the film business is the pinnacle of success if not far more than one could even hope or imagine. So if you're sitting down wondering if you should go see this movie... all I can say is why not. You have nothing to lose but all to gain. The next movie on my list to see is an independent film by Lindsey Christian called "Jazz in the Diamond District." Now I love the Jazz Scene in DC and I love independent film so this is a must see. I have to support fellow independent filmmakers. More to come... but til then be blessed...
As always remember to be "REEL" and stay on the MOVE!
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