About Me

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United States
Purple Tramble also known as "Purple Reels The Go Getter" is an Independent Filmmaker an alumni of Howard University where she studied Communications - [TV/Film Production]. Tramble is passionate about working with small businesses, bands, artists etc. by giving them a tool to market themselves through video promotion. She is also passionate about the progression of the modern filmmaker by providing them with new ideas to keep them ahead of the game. Tramble is an Activist and Advocate of Educating and Empowering the next generation by providing them with positive images that destroy racial stereotypes and sexist or demeaning behavior in regards to young women. Her mission is to provide hope to the hopeless, a voice to the voiceless, and support others on a mission to bring peace, spread love, and make a positive change. "Protect and effect the minds of the youth and save a nation." ~ Purple Reels ~

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cornbread Earl and Me [1975] Ep 4

This is a scene from the classic film "Cornbread Earl and Me" I saw this film for the first time as a kid. My parents always brought home classics for us to watch and learn from. This particular film portrays a young black male who is destined to succeed. He's a basketball player on his way to college... This scene cuts between an ongoing conversation between the kids, cornbread, and the owner of the store while the police are looking for a criminal who happens to be black and wearing a similar outfit as Cornbread. What adds to this scene is the rain.... what does it make you feel? I encourage you to watch the film in its entirety when you get the chance.

Purple Reels

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