About Me

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United States
Purple Tramble also known as "Purple Reels The Go Getter" is an Independent Filmmaker an alumni of Howard University where she studied Communications - [TV/Film Production]. Tramble is passionate about working with small businesses, bands, artists etc. by giving them a tool to market themselves through video promotion. She is also passionate about the progression of the modern filmmaker by providing them with new ideas to keep them ahead of the game. Tramble is an Activist and Advocate of Educating and Empowering the next generation by providing them with positive images that destroy racial stereotypes and sexist or demeaning behavior in regards to young women. Her mission is to provide hope to the hopeless, a voice to the voiceless, and support others on a mission to bring peace, spread love, and make a positive change. "Protect and effect the minds of the youth and save a nation." ~ Purple Reels ~

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Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Village in Me

A poem dedicated to my family who is ever striving for their dreams... I will always love you!

The Village in Me

Life is a peculiar thing you value one thing after another some things last for a lifetime some things lose meaning in the end looking at life from different angles different viewpoints and scenes will frame & change your values & opinions in some ways & material things will lose their gain they say trouble don't last always but how do you erase the pain? the one you confide in time & time again the people you hold so dear to you Momma, Daddy, sister, brother, cousins, aunts, uncles, and friends the only people who matter in the end it takes a village to raise a child they say everyday I grow older and wiser yet a little more of my village fades away now they've passed the baton to me & whether i'm ready or not the babies are looking up to me I can go on from day to day to make the world a better place for the babies & this is why we need our family for who else loves us unconditionally No one but Momma & Daddy So for the village in me I strive to succeed for the family but most of all for the babies

written by Purple
© 2008 Washington, DC

As always remember to be "REEL" and stay on the MOVE!

"Purple Reels The Go Getter"

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